Selected GRANTS

  • Principal Investigator (PI): NSF Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC): SaTC: CORE: Medium: Resilient Linguistic Steganography Based on Natural Language Generation for Cybersecurity (Submitted).
  • CO-PI CREST Center for Innovative Research and Education in Cybersecurity, Cyber-Physical Systems and Data Sciences (CIRE-CCSD) (Submitted).
  • Principal Investigator (PI): US Dept of Energy STTR/SBIR Grant $225K (9 month), 2017- February – June.
  • Cybersecurity Program Director (CPD): Built the Cybersecurity Academic Program and Cybersecurity Labs by K-20 Cybersecurity Workforce Pipeline Grant $25 million. The grant is for multiple institutions that have been awarded by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) over the next five years for cybersecurity education. Claflin University’s share nearly $2 million, 2015- Present.
  • Collaborator/Participant: NSF MRI: Acquisition of a Cyberinstrument for Interdisciplinary Computational Science and Engineering, Grant nearly $1 million, with Clemson University, (2017- October 1st – 2020, September 17).
  • Collaborator/Participant: HUMAN CENTERED ENGINEERED SYSTEMS FOR HOLISTIC LIVING LOI grant to NSF, with Clemson University (Submitted).
  • Senior Investigator: MRI: Acquisition of a Cyberinstrument for AI-Enabled Computational Science & Engineering $ 651K (10/01/2020 – 09/30/2023).
  • Senior Investigator (SI): Harnessing the Satellite Data Revolution With Applications in Transportation and Agriculture, grant to NSF, with Clemson University (Submitted).
  • Other grants submitted/in-process/pending.